Dust Of Glitter Bengals
Breed Standard

The Bengal Cat is a medium to large domestic cat that has descended from the crossing of the wild Asian Leopard Cat to the domestic cat. Bengal Personality Bengals are extremely intelligent cats who form strong bonds with their owners. They love to interact with their humans and are always found at the center of any family activity.
The Bengal's activity level is very high and they love to play, run and leap. They are great climbers and jumpers. They could at times be described as mischievous. Bengals are not a cat to be ignored. They sometimes demand a lot of attention but they will always keep you entertained with their antics. They are are extremely affectionate. Often described as having a 'dog like' personality they are easily trained. It is not difficult to train them to walk on a leash, fetch or even to shake hands.
Many Bengals have a love of water and love to play with it. They may scoop their water dishes with their paws, play in puddles or follow their owners into the shower or bath tub. Bengals make fun, affectionate, wonderful pets and are great with children and dogs. Bengals are medium size and muscular cats.
Many Bengals also have or carry the glitter gene, which makes them shimmer in sun light. Bengals should retain the look of the wild but with the temperament of a well balanced domestic cat. Bengal Colours Below are some of the Bengal colours and patterns Brown spotted tabby includes leopard spotted (black or dark brown spots and rosettes on beige, tan, or reddish background) Sorrel spotted (light brown spots or rosettes on light beige or tan background), and charcoal on grey. Classic brown tabby includes, black marble pattern and sorrel marble pattern on lighter background in two or more colours. Seal-lynx point includes blue-eyed snow leopards and snow marbles with medium grey or brown pattern on off-white background Silver spotted or Pearly white snows are black spotted on light silver or grey background, currently being developed.
Bengal Patterns The marbled pattern occurs nowhere else in nature. Patterns should be symmetrical on both sides of the body and the pattern should swirl and flow around the body, like the colours in a glass marble. Marbled Bengals also come in all three snow variations, the Seal Sepia, the Seal Mink and the Seal Lynx Point who also have deep blue eyes. All Bengals except the Seal Lynx Point Snow must have a black tipped tail and black paw pads. The Seal Lynx Point has a bitter chocolate coloured tail tip and can have a rose tinted nose and paw pads. Marbled kittens start with blackish grey coats with small streaks of lighter coloured fur scattered about their coat. The Blue and the Silver both come in Spotted or Marbled patterns, both are incredible in appearance. Regardless of colours and patterns, all Bengals should display the same conformation which is reminiscent of their ancestor the truly beautiful Asian Leopard Cat.